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The Karma of SUFFERING

SUFFERING -The Wisdom of SEED & WEED Karma

The more you try to avoid suffering, the more you suffer, because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you, in proportion to your fear of being hurt. The one who does most to avoid suffering is, in the end, the one who suffers most. -Thomas Merton

Sadhguru is one of our favorite Speakers, Teachers and Authors. This book offers a new perspective on the overused and misunderstood concept of "karma" that offers the key to happiness and enlightenment, from the world-renowned spiritual master.

The following is an excerpt from his book: Karma- A Yogi's Guide to Crafting Your Destiny. This is an UPLIFTING read. 🖤

"Suffering has to be freshly baked every day. In other words, your karma Can Not turn into suffering without Your Cooperation. Once you are aware, that is the end of your suffering. So the source of Your Misery is NOT your Past actions. The Source of your Misery is how you’re processing the imprint of the past NOW.

You may be carrying around a sackful of stinking garbage. Either you can smear yourself with it and get Terribly Miserable, or you can make good manure out of it and create a Wonderful Garden.

Karma is the seed.

What you are going to make out of this seed is entirely up to you. If I am given a packet of assorted seeds and I throw them all into my garden, perhaps all of them will sprout. Some of the mango seeds will yield very sweet fruit.

But there may be some bitter seeds, too. The parthenium grass may be an unwelcome weed. And yet I still have the Choice to pull it out. I can remove what is superfluous and keep the rest.

That is how your food is grown every day.

A large part of agriculture is just weeding. There are actually more weeds than plants growing even in your own garden. If you keep weeding, you will have a garden. If you sit back Defeated, you will have a patch of weeds. (Well, of course, some have learned to enjoy the weeds, too!)

The same holds true for your life.

You have Your Seed karma. But you also have your Weeding karma. This is where Volition comes in. This is where Intention becomes paramount. If you decide not to perform your weeding karma, your life will be just an overgrown wilderness. If you choose to perform this simple function, your life could yield an incredibly rich HARVEST."

New York Times, USA Today,Best Seller

“Full of valuable insights to guide you.” (Will Smith)

“Thoughtful and life-affirming...a must-read.” (Tony Robbins)

“This book will put you back in charge of your own life.” (Tom Brady)

"Your Mind is a Garden, Your Thoughts are the Seeds. You can grow Flowers or you can grow weeds." -Osho

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