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LISTENING 101 - Growth Law #2: Listen More...

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

"You Never really Learn much from hearing yourself speak." ~George Clooney

Learning comes from listening. If you do not listen, you can not learn. We are born with two ears, and one mouth, for this reason.

Listening is a skill that some people have and some do not. Without listening, we fall into the rhelm of people who just "Have to Say Something" instead of those who "Have Something to Say."

Some people say things because they're very uncomfortable in Silence.

It's just nervous, habitual chatter in that saying "something" is always more comforting than the silence... Always!

Sometimes people talk just for the sake of talking…we all know someone who exhibits that behavior.

I have never heard of people that Listen too much but, I have heard of people that talk too much!

Here's to More Listening which will likely produce behaviors and Habits that are not only Informative, but also lead to growth.

Check out the video to learn: "The 4 Most Important Laws of Growth"


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