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Habitual Happiness

The 5 Best Habits for a Happy Life.

No matter what happens, there is always room to make your life better and happier.

By creating certain habits, you can work to ease your mind, feel more purposeful, and feel overall happier.

Did you know that around 40% of everything we do on a daily basis is habitual?

This means that a big part of our lives is almost entirely on autopilot!

Think this through for a second and evaluate those habits of yours.

Do they empower you or dis-empower you?

Do they limit you or free you?

Do they help you or hinder you from reaching your goals?

And just in case you're not sold on the importance of habits yet, here are what we think are the 5 Best Habits for a Happy Life.

But, please don't simply take our word for it... why not test them for yourself.

Try out these 5 simple little habits for at least 21 days, and then see for yourself if you agree, or disagree.

Either way, we think you'll be happy you did.

1.Practice Gratitude

It’s so easy to get caught up in the idea that you need to have more money, have better things, and have more friends that nothing ever feels enough.

Practicing gratitude allows you to accept everything that you have and what that gives you. Being grateful for the people in your life also lets those people know that they are wanted and appreciated.

2.Get Closer to Nature

Whether it’s going hiking in a huge forest or buying houseplants for your apartment, nature does wonders for the human mind. It's an instant, natural and free stress relief resource. And best of all, it's available 24/7 all around you.

Being close to nature (listening to nature sounds/watching nature videos) encourages your mind to feel at peace, and it can be a great getaway from the chaos of everyday life. Also having plants near you helps your body with all the oxygen that plants produce.

3.Speak Kindly of Others

Now is not the time for pointless gossip. Practicing treating others how you want to be treated extends to the way you treat them behind their back.

When you refrain from speaking poorly of someone, you also prevent that negativity from affecting your mood. Instead, you get that positivity from sharing kind words about other people. Also, people are more likely to speak kindly of you when you speak kindly of them.

4.Keep Learning

People tend to get stuck in ruts, following the same routine every day and not allowing themselves to break free. By always learning new things, you get to escape that rut and explore new paths.

The brain processes the same information more quickly, which is why people feel like time is moving faster the older they get. When you're always learn, your brain is processing new information at a slower rate and you get the feeling of time slowing down and you have the experience of longer life.

This is the opposite of hurry and chaos which feels like anxiety, it's literally ease, calm and peace of mind. even when facing life's daily challenges.

5.Exercise More

Exercise is amazing for the body. It releases endorphins and accomplishing workout goals releases dopamine. You get so many feel-good chemicals from doing exercise.

Even a small amount every day is enough to get the effects. Whether it’s going on a walk around the neighborhood, dancing in your room, or strength training at the gym, there are so many ways for you to get exercise.

With exercise, you get stronger which can make you feel even happier. Okay, so all that's left, is for you to test drive these new habits for yourself.

So what do you think... We would love to hear your thoughts.

Are these... The 5 Best Habits for a Happy Life?... or Not?

Free BONUS content:

6.Deep Dive Time?

Are You Ready, to go even deeper and discover more powerful habits that can help you improve any and every area of your life?

Now you can get your copy of our Free Guide: 5 Easy Ways To Develop Better Habits.

It can seem overwhelming at first, but developing better habits can be easy with these five simple, yet effective approaches. Click Here and Get Your Free Copy Now!!




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